Starting February 1, 2021, brokers and most sales agents will be required to complete at least 3 hours of contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of CE required to renew a license.
There is one exception: Sales agents renewing their licenses for the first time and subject to Sales Apprentice Education (SAE) requirements do not need to meet this requirement until their next license renewal term.
To search for courses that meet this requirement, go to and choose Contracts courses (TREC-Compliant) in the Group field.
If your license will renew on or after February 1, 2021, and you've already completed your 18 hours, you still need to comply with this requirement. You can see if courses you’ve already completed qualify for this requirement at—put your name in the License Holder Search and look at your education history.
The new sales agents are the ones who need this course the most! It is amazing how many agents have no idea how to complete a contract & how many add their own verbiage to special provisions paragraph & expect the other side to accept or they will pull their offer. More training is needed for agents & their brokers. More accountability is needed. I believe it should be harder for one’s to even obtain a license! I also believe Pocket Listings should be outlawed! I also believe the Investor Groups that are buying up properties without a license should… Read more »
I totally agree
totally agree
They should add a listing status called pocket listing! And make that required.. No more off market “pocket listings” BS
I totally agree with you., it is the newer agents that need it most.
So what I’m reading is you want to pull up the ladder and make it harder for your competition to enter the market. I’ve been licensed and working exclusively in real estate for 15 years. I don’t even believe licensing should be required for real estate. You want to let cousin Jethro represent you, be my guest. No threat to my business. I have no problem with pocket listings. If you get the house sold and the seller is happy with the price, doesn’t matter if it ever hit the MLS. Why do investor groups need a license to buy… Read more »
For the most part, I agree… However, there is always room for improvement no matter how long you have had a license! To sell real estate I certainly believe should be licensed and required to take these types of courses annually! Far to often I receive an offer from seasoned agents that do not fill out the offer in its entirety leaving numerous loopholes. Absolutely more training is needed for agents and their brokers. More broker accountability is needed for their own licensees. Since the dawn of LLC’s, it has become far worse and harder to interact with a broker… Read more »
Totally agree
Totally agree.
If my license expires 2/27/2021 and I have already completed my courses, do I have to take a contracts course as well?
Lisa, I’m in the same boat as you. Hopefully someone will answer us on here.
I’m in the same situation. I took my courses early due to the lockdown.
Yes, you would need to complete the course. If your license expires before Feb. 1, 2021, then you would not need to do it until your next renewal. But if your license expires on or after Feb. 1,2021, then you need to complete the course because it will be required for renewal. Hope this helps.
It helps Rosetta. Thank you.
Wonder if Commercial Contracts class would suffice, probably not.
Actually yes there is a commercial course that is compliant. check it out here: To search for courses that meet this requirement, go to and choose Contracts courses (TREC-Compliant) in the Group field
Please assist. My license renews 4/30/2021 and TREC sent an email in mid-November stating effective 2/1/2021 we must complete a contracts course. There should be classes available beginning February for us to take online. I have not been able to find an online class and don’t want to miss the renewal deadline. Can you assist? I don’t understand the logic behind stating a new class requirement and not providing the classes needed.
Linda, please call 800-873-9155 and ask to speak with Director of Professional Development Debra Hernandez. She can help you find a class.
Yes, anyone who renews a license on or after Feb. 1, 2021, must have taken three hours of approved courses on contracts. If you took contracts as three hours of your 18, you need to check with TREC to ensure the contracts course(s) you took fulfill the requirement.
The last paragraph says if you have already completed your 18 hours for renewal in 2021, you still need
the 3 hours Contracts.
On the splash page above it says, “If your license will renew on or after February 1, 2021, and you’ve already completed your 18 hours, you still need to comply with this requirement.”
Yes anyone who has a license expiring after 1-31 will have to take the 3 hour contracts course to renew. Unless this is your first 2 year renewal.
I called TREC and was told if you renew before Feb 1 you do not have to have the contract course even if your license expires after that date
If you renew by 1/31 then you’ll be fine.
It will amaze you to know that it’s not just the newbies but the oldies that doesn’t know how to complete a contract properly.
I would agree with you 100% a million times over!!!!
Agreed, but it’s not just completing a contract. It’s understanding what it says and how it works. Too many agents just rush to fill in the blanks with something …. anything …. and too often don’t even know what they just did.
I am a Broker and a TREC Instructor so I continue to teach my agents about the meaning, understanding of the contract and addenda all the time. It is very important to have that discussion with agents frequently, so much to learn and so much at stake between both parties.
Such fools operating this bureaucracy! How in the world do you keep perpetuating the same 8 hours of legal and ethics and yet add this ? How about incorporating it into that 8 hours. Those 8 hours have not changed over the last 10 years of having my license. How about being current and relevant rather than bureaucratic do nothings?
The reason we have to keep doing legal 1 & 2 is because it is legislated and is found in the Texas occupation code 1101.455 (c) (e) Check it out.
I believe there should be 8 hours of contract training, not just the 3 and it should be for everyone, no exceptions. We all need to be always updating our skills and knowledge. Yes, I agree, it should be harder to get a license in the first place. Legal and Ethics does need to be totally revamped.
Although it states “You can see if courses you’ve already completed qualify for this requirement at” how do you know if any of the courses taken meet this new requirement. Like Lisa Kenny I too have completed all my 18 hours and have the same question do you still have to take these three contract class hours???
To search for courses that meet this requirement, go to and choose Contracts courses (TREC-Compliant) in the Group field
I’ve tried this search 3 times and don’t find a course. What am I missing??
Jane, please call 800-873-9155 and ask to speak with Director of Professional Development Debra Hernandez. She can help you find what you’re looking for.
MCE should be mandatory for ALL brokers. I know a couple of older brokers that are exempt from MCE and they need Ethics more than anyone.
I also think that the instructors be active in the market that they are teaching instead of an instructor that is just teaching from read only. Experienced agents need to know updated info on our contracts and ways to handle them not just words..
I agree, I am a TREC approved Instructor and a Broker so yes, my teaching style is explaining the contract and how it ties into the transaction, not just words.
I have always thought it should be required. As a 27 year realtor I have seen too many mistakes made from lack of information and/or education.
Let’s see…Legal I and II (8 hours), Broker Responsibility (6 hours), Contract course (3 hours) for a total of 17 mandatory hours. Thanks for the 1 hour elective course left to be completed.
I am a full time property manager. Is there a 3 hour course on the lease or property management agreement that will qualify? (TRLS or TRLP)
I believe a diploma or GED should be the first requirement to get a RE license
Are you saying our list of courses completed will indicate “TREC Compliant”? Or in what way will it be annotated?
But how can you tell by looking at the courses you have taken to determine if the class meets the contract requirement course?
When is the next contract course scheduled for HAR